lalala, today is the day i see jay-z

today my mood is....white (bored and frustrated)
ahh well, you would think the idea of jay-z tonight would make me excited and happy.
but have you ever had those nights where you wake up every 5 minutes worried about something but you don't know what it is? ahh, welcome to my night.
shame, ah well- there is one thing i am sort of excited for, my outfit idea for tonight.
i was inspired by those american apparel shirts that have the capital letter and the lower case letter on them.
and since me and my friend are going tonight i had this great idea we could make one with Jj, and one with Zz, and it would just be UNREAL.
so in a few hours we will be going to do thaat.

i hope this blog goes somewhere, my goal is to get onto
lookbook, and i thought lookbook along with this would be soo great.

i know this is short, but im excited to get dressed todayy, look at that i think my mood is changing alreadyy.

so, what do i most want today? The American Apparel Shirts
as can be seeen

have a moody day!


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